
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Having a Bad Day?

One thing I have learned about fashion, beauty, and looks from horses is no matter how bad of a day you are having, it could be worse:)  Here are some horse lessons that have made me giggle...

1. At least I can never have as bad of a hair day as a Fjord.

2.  I thought I looked ridiculous in hats.

3.  I cannot feel bad about my eyelashes not being dark or long enough...that is what mascara is for:)
4.  Short.  You do not know what short is unless you are a mini horse.

5.   At least I do not have to walk around with a fly mask on.  Wow, I would get made fun of so bad with one of those on!

6.  I thought I looked bad blabbing to my friends.  
7. I thought I had the prettiest blue eyes:(

8.I know I have a big nose, but no one has referred to my nose as large as a horses:)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How it all came to this...

Leaving my job to start a new path was the hardest thing I have done. I was so scared of the unknown but I knew I had to make a change as I could no longer have my daughter in daycare for 12 hours a day and I was so burnt out and beat up from my healthcare career.  I decided in July 2013 to make the leap and I quit.  I loved Etsy as I purchased most of my daughter's room decor and supplies on it.  I never thought I would one day become a seller.  I LOVE it and I cannot think of doing anything else in the world.  Working for myself has been a challenge and the most rewarding job I have had.  Some people might think this is an easy job, but it takes a lot of time to start and manage your own business.  I had to work on creating a brand that would attract others and now I work daily on marketing, designing, and creating.  It takes a lot of time and use of my brain but it is so worth it.  The best part is now all my effort and dedication benefits ME and not some company that could care less about me.  I also love that I get to be a mom finally as before I was just there.  I love that I smile and laugh daily. 

One of my friends who has her own business told me she had that epiphany moment when she was eating lunch at a local restaurant to get a break from her stressful job and there was a sign on the wall that said "what would you do if you knew you could not fail?"  I thought of that so many times when I was making the decision that would change my life.  And the sign is right as I cannot fail as I will not let myself.

So if you are thinking about leaving your job to start your own business, just know that there are others out there that did it and it was all alright.  It is one scary decision, but you will never know unless you do it.  So do it!!!!